Massachusetts Judge Charged in Federal Court With Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Perjury for Helping an Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE in Her Courtroom

Massachusetts Judge Charged in Federal Court With Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Perjury for Helping an Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE in Her Courtroom - مرحبا أصدقاء ليس سرا مرة أخرى, في هذه المادة تقرأ هذه المرة مع العنوان Massachusetts Judge Charged in Federal Court With Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Perjury for Helping an Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE in Her Courtroom, لقد أعددنا هذا المقال لك القراءة واسترجاع المعلومات فيه. نأمل أن محتويات الإعلانات المادة biography, المادة culture, المادة economics, المادة health, المادة News, المادة politics, المادة sports, ونحن نكتب لكم يمكن أن نفهم. حسنا، قراءة سعيدة.

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Massachusetts Judge Charged in Federal Court With Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Perjury for Helping an Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE in Her Courtroom

Judge Lindsay Lohan
A judge who allegedly helped an illegal immigrant escape out the basement door of Newton District Court last spring, and the court officer who assisted, were charged in federal court today with conspiracy, obstruction of justice and perjury. 
U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling announced the indictments against Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph and former Court Officer Wesley MacGregor. Judge Joseph, the indictment alleges, allowed an illegal immigrant wanted by immigration officers to leave Newton District Court without being detained for possible deportation. 
"I'm not gonna allow them to come in here," the judge is alleged to have told the man’s defense attorney. She was basically keeping an ICE officer on the outside of the courtroom.... 
The judge, federal prosecutors are alleging, allowed Jose Medina-Perez to walk after being arrested by Newton police on drug charges last April. He was also wanted for drunken driving out of Pennsylvania and ICE had a detainer on him.

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