7th century meets 21st century

7th century meets 21st century - مرحبا أصدقاء ليس سرا مرة أخرى, في هذه المادة تقرأ هذه المرة مع العنوان 7th century meets 21st century, لقد أعددنا هذا المقال لك القراءة واسترجاع المعلومات فيه. نأمل أن محتويات الإعلانات المادة biography, المادة culture, المادة economics, المادة health, المادة News, المادة politics, المادة sports, ونحن نكتب لكم يمكن أن نفهم. حسنا، قراءة سعيدة.

عنوان: 7th century meets 21st century
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7th century meets 21st century

A violent man has been jailed after livestreaming himself punching his wife and hitting her with a shoe while saying ‘I’m going to kill her today’.
Uber driver Rahman Ullah, 38, hit his wife Raja, 34, with the heel of his shoe until she was left with two black eyes in the video streamed to relatives in Pakistan.
That's Islam and Muslims in a microcosm. They don't have the IQ bandwidth to build a phone but that doesn't stop them from showcasing their barbarity in real-time to relatives in a different time zone. What's stunning is that after live-streaming the brutal beating, the thug denied it!
Ullah initially told police his wife was the aggressor and attacked him until eventually admitting his guilt.
Give the man a Nobel!

وهكذا المادة 7th century meets 21st century

هذا هو كل المقالات 7th century meets 21st century هذه المرة، ونأمل أن توفر فوائد لكم جميعا. حسنا، أراك في وظيفة أخرى المقال.

كنت تقرأ الآن المقال 7th century meets 21st century عنوان الرابط https://notscrets.blogspot.com/2018/10/7th-century-meets-21st-century.html

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