عنوان: Cholera and Shitholes
حلقة الوصل : Cholera and Shitholes
Cholera and Shitholes
Cholera is caused by a number of types of Vibrio cholerae, with some types producing more severe disease than others.
It is spread mostly by unsafe water and unsafe food that has been contaminated with human feces containing the bacteriaSource.
In 2016, 38 countries reported a total of 132 121 cases. Cases were reported from all regions, including 17 countries in Africa, 12 in Asia, 4 in Europe, 4 in the Americas, and 1 in Oceania. Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Yemen, Somalia, and the United Republic of Tanzania accounted for 80% of all cases. Of cases reported globally, 54% were from Africa, 13% from Asia and 32% from Hispaniola. Imported cases were reported in 9 countries. Globally, however, the true number of cholera cases is known to be much higher. Cholera represents an estimated burden of 1.4 to 4.0 million cases, and 21 000 to 143 000 deaths per year worldwide. The trends and annual figures exclude many cases labeled “acute watery diarrhoea”, notably occurring in south-eastern and central Asia (e.g. in Bangladesh and Pakistan). However, during outbreaks, many countries report as cholera many cases of acute watery diarrheoa which are not due to Vibrio cholerae. The actual numbers of cholera cases are therefore known to differ from those reported. Differences can be explained by under-reporting due to fear of negative impact on travel and trade.Source.
AIDS is to be diagnosed with different symptoms in Africa February 11, 2009Africa, Clean Water, South Africawebmaster From Fear of the Invisible (2008) Janine Roberts
It is common knowledge that AIDS in Africa is rampant, that it affects men and women alike, and is destroying the population and economic prospects of Sub-Saharan Africa. Everyone also thinks, as I have for most of my life, that AIDS in the West and Africa has the same diagnostic definition and symptoms; that they are clinically the same. This is only surely sensible – the same virus must cause the same illness?
But, when I investigated, I found the truth was utterly otherwise. AIDS is diagnosed entirely differently in Africa.
Officially in Africa a person only has to have a few symptoms common to many diseases that ultimately are caused by great poverty, poor water supplies and lack of sanitation. Again there is no requirement to test positive for HIV for an AIDS diagnosis.
This was strangely easy to discover. I only needed to go to the official WHO website and look it up.
This tells me that our media has not been doing its homework when reporting AIDS in Africa.
This unique African definition of AIDS, and its special diagnostic rules, was created in the early days of AIDS research... There were protests from African government representatives who held that the West was grossly exaggerating the AIDS problem in Africa since few Africans were falling ill with the classic AIDS symptoms. But the international agencies run roughshod over these objections and it was agreed that in future black Africa should have its own unique definition of AIDS, one that did not rely on the HIV test, nor on the presence of the main AIDS-indicating illnesses as then defined – and one that would definitely ensure that in future Africa had a gigantic AIDS epidemic.
The new rules laid down that Africans in future should be diagnosed with AIDS if they scored a total of 12 points from a new list of general symptoms of illness.
These official African AIDS diagnostic rules are still current, and are called the ‘Bangui Clinical Definition of AIDS.’ This is from the WHO website:
Notice how the article above, which is about AIDS and HIV, has Labels (tags) for "Africa" and "Clean Water".
I've heard it said 2+2=4.
The larger point being: There are tremendous amounts of people die in Africa from the ingestion of human feces, which is often found in their drinking water. In addition to the raw reported numbers of Cholera deaths every year, there is likely some percentage of deaths, attributed to AIDS which are, in reality, additional cases of Cholera.
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