حلقة الوصل :
From Robert Spencer:
Without Islam, the United States would not exist.
That’s right: without Islam, the United States as we know it would not exist. No, Reza Aslan has not knocked me over the head with a rock and taken over the writing of Jihad Watch, using my name.
It’s absolutely true: if it weren’t for Islam and Muslims, the United States would not exist today.
Every schoolchild knows, or used to know before public school curricula became far too concerned with teaching microaggressions and diversity to bother with marginalia such as history, that in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America.
Why did he sail the ocean blue? Because he was searching for a new, westward sea route to Asia.
Why was he searching for a new, westward sea route to Asia? Because the fall of Constantinople to the Muslims on May 29, 1453 closed the trade routes to the East.
This was devastating for European tradesmen, who had until then since time immemorial had taken the land route through Constantinople and Anatolia to travel to India and trade for silk, spices and other goods.
But when the Muslims conquered Constantinople, these tradesmen would have been taking their lives into their hands if they traveled by these ancient routes.
As non-Muslims in Muslim countries, they would have been subject to being taken hostage, or enslaved, or forcibly converted to Islam, or killed outright.
Either there was going to be no more European trade with India, or a new route had to be found.
وهكذا المادة
هذا هو كل المقالات
هذه المرة، ونأمل أن توفر فوائد لكم جميعا. حسنا، أراك في وظيفة أخرى المقال.
كنت تقرأ الآن المقال عنوان الرابط https://notscrets.blogspot.com/2017/10/from-robert-spencer-without-islam.html
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