عنوان: A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman
حلقة الوصل : A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman
A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman
Here's a story about and interview with Victor Elias in La Gaceta, complete with testimonials from students whose lives he touched.
El académico que optó por quedarse en su Tucumán
Acaba de cumplir 80 años y la academia le rendirá un tributo al doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Chicago y director del Magister de la UNT. Sus alumnos recuerdan las enseñanzas que le dejó al profesor que, según confiesa, se retroalimenta con la creatividad de los aspirantes a economistas.
[G translate: The academic who opted to stay in his Tucumán
He has just turned 80 and the academy will pay a tribute to the Doctor of Economics from the University of Chicago and director of the UNT Magister. His students remember the teachings [of] the teacher who, he confesses, is fed by the creativity of aspiring economists.]
Victor Elias and Al Roth, Tucuman, 2016, taken by Ivan Werning |
Here's an earlier interview, from 2005
Entrevista a Víctor Jorge Elías
by Juan Carlos De Pablo
وهكذا المادة A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman
هذا هو كل المقالات A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman هذه المرة، ونأمل أن توفر فوائد لكم جميعا. حسنا، أراك في وظيفة أخرى المقال.
كنت تقرأ الآن المقال A celebration of Victor Elias, at 80, in Tucuman عنوان الرابط https://notscrets.blogspot.com/2017/07/a-celebration-of-victor-elias-at-80-in.html
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