عنوان: Why Worthless Degrees Will Never Go Away
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Why Worthless Degrees Will Never Go Away
I got an interesting comment in the comments section today:You are going to have to find a new gig dude. Your signature topic, worthless degress, is going mainstream. http://ift.tt/2sEc7t0 Once that happens the camp of continuing the crusade disappears.
So what is plan B?
Great question young, aspiring economist! And the Ole Captain will explain to you what his Plan B is.
Absolutely nothing.
Because while more and more people are starting to recognize the utter worthlessness of some college degrees, you misunderstand the market for them. For worthless college degrees are not investments, or capital goods that will help increase one's earnings in the future, but rather egregiously expensive consumer items that are purely for the dopamine releasing effects on par with a wedding. And it is because of this nature of worthless college degrees that the Ole Captain will be here to stay.
I've delved into this in detail before, but the short version is that real world and smart money has moved on from college and is rapidly divesting itself of this old and obsolete model. Companies are bringing back training and "node education," allowing employees to advance and educate themselves within the company. The IT and computer industry has long abandoned college degrees preferring certifications and testing for their ever-evolving and very-specifically needed skill set. And even the smart high school students are waking up, taking classes online, opting to join the military, go to community college first, attending a trade school, or anything and everything to avoid worthless liberal arts degrees. All of this under the umbrella of rapidly evolving online education technology where classes and certifications that lead to better job prospects are being offered online for pennies on a traditional liberal arts college dollar.
But the key phrase here is "smart money."
And if my latest philosophical meanderings into the world of evil is any proof, there is ALWAYS stupid sheeple willing to be lied to and taken advantage of, which means a market for liberal arts degrees will always exist.
Certainly, a genuine and real epiphany could be being realized amongst American youth. They may identify the baby boomer and Gen X professorial and teacher class for the generational vampires they are. But this is only the smart youth, and they are outnumbered by the
participation trophy
"my teacher is my BFF"
trench coat wearing
"I'm a high school vegan"
slop that is being mass-produced by today's teachers and parents. Worse, as I've said before, these sheep are completely sold college as not only a Utopian Nirvana, a place where they "finally" can graduate to and find their place in life, but a birthright, and entitlement that their then-17 year old lives have nothing else to live for. With such a large and establishing infrastructure brainwashing these kids, with such a tasty and addictive lie, it doesn't matter how many smarter students are red-pilled on the fringes via the alternative media, nuclear families, present fathers, or even my book,
there is ALWAYS going to be sheep, willingly lining themselves up to be slaughtered at the altar of Big Education.
This is, of course, good news for me and my business. I capitalize off of misled students and youth who, when dumped into the real world after Big Education has raped them of all the money they could borrow, are disillusioned, can't find a job, and have no clue why the world did not turn out the way their ne'er-had-a-real-job-in-the-real-world professors said it would. It's certainly good money for me and it's certainly a booming industry to be in. But, much as I want to capitalize off of evil, I hate the leftist teacher/professor establishment more as they not only has ruined my country, but ruined my youth and to a large extent my life with the exact same lies they're telling kids today. It's why I set up Worthless Degree Awareness Month and why I constantly plug it. And I conservatively estimate I've cost Big Education millions of dollars, preventing thousands of students from getting worthless degrees.
The problem (or benefit to my business model) however with worthless degrees is two fold. One, it's damn well near a decade later that ALTERNATIVE media and MAYBE some traditional media is SLOWLY starting to toll the warning bells about worthless degrees. I tried my best to get the conservative and libertarian establishments to spread "Worthless" far and wide as the vaccination against worthless degrees AND the perfectly placed torpedo to destroy the left's future democrat voter factory - academia. It was, and still is, the silver bullet that can end socialism in the west. Of course, as you know, the Dennis-Pragery, Koch Brothery, Republican party conservative establishments are dumber and slower than hell, not to mention don't have the spine to take off the gloves and aggressively attack the left where it hurts. Alas, we're making molasses like progress stopping an evil that should have been stopped a decade ago. Two, low quality, low caliber, low intelligence students will always be duped into the liberal arts, no matter how apparent it is that worthless degrees are poison. This has resulted in a stagnation, not a crash, of worthless degrees and worthless colleges. Therefore, my market isn't going anywhere. I confidently predict that I will continue to make money on worthless degrees well into my retirement because the right is incompetent and spineless and the amount of stupid being bred in K-12 is limitless.
Sadly though, yes, I would have liked to see every kid in high school read "Worthless.." I would have liked to see every parent force their kid to read it. And yes, I would have loved to hear about clandestine conservative teachers passing it around to their students in a hush-hush contraband like style. It sure would've been nice to see the Socialist Titanic go down due to my one well-placed torpedo. Instead it looks like we're in for decades more of debt-crippled Millennials, lost Gen Z'ers from broken homes, single mommy households, anti-free speech protests on college campuses, assassination attempts on congressment, and a continued deteriorating of the west.
And I intend to profit off of it. All of it. Down to the last stinking penny.
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