عنوان: More from the Festival of Economics Trento
حلقة الوصل : More from the Festival of Economics Trento
More from the Festival of Economics Trento
I'm back home, after two exciting days in Trento (and two long days of travel). There are a bunch of videos, and some press coverage, for those of you who speak Italian or like to use Google Translate.
Here's a 1 minute video in English, a sort of trailer for my talk on global kidney exchange:
Here's a link to the full video of my first talk, on global kidney exchange. I spoke in English, but although the link seems to offer it in English, Italian, or German, the only version I've seen so far allows you to hear me speaking Italian, in the voice of the female translator.
Mercato e disuguaglianze nella salute
Here's a video of the panel on my book: Matchmaking. La scienza economica del dare a ciascuno il suo Play Video It begins with a talk about the book, by Professor Dino Gerardi. Afterwards I spoke in reply to questions from the moderator and the audience, and you can hear me in Italian translation.
And here's the panel on markets for organs "exploitation or opportunity?" also in Italian:
Mercati per il corpo umano: sfruttamento o opportunità?
I very much enjoyed meeting Ignazio Marino, the transplant surgeon who was for a time Mayor of Rome.
Below are some news reports on these sessions
Here's a news story right after my talk on global kidney exchange, which was introduced by Tito Boeri:
"Il sistema delle catene" per donare gli organi
Al Teatro Sociale il Nobel Roth descrive il suo progetto per incrociare pazienti e donatori di Paesi ricchi e poveri
G-translate: "The Chain" system for organ donation
Al Teatro Sociale Nobel Roth describes his project to meet patients and donors of rich and poor countries
and here:
Dai modelli matematici si possono salvare molte vite umane. Il Premio Nobel Alvin Roth a Trento
"From the mathematical models you can save lives. The Nobel Prize Alvin Roth in Trento
We die because we can not afford a transplant. Roth: "Our program intends to solve the problem by crossing supply and demand"
and here:
Reni, l’algoritmo che ridà speranza Il Nobel Roth: sgretolare le iniquità
Il Nobel Roth: il sistema si autofinanzia. Allo studio anche un’assicurazione
Here's a story covering my "book talk," in which Prof Dino Gerardi talked about the Italian translation of Who Gets What and Why, and I answered questions:
Matchmaking. La scienza economica del dare a ciascuno il suo
Here's a story about the panel discussion on markets for body parts, moderated by Mario Macis, with Nico Lacetera, me, and Ignazio Marino, the transplant surgeon who was mayor of Rome:
Mercati per il corpo umano: sfruttamenti o opportunità
Il premio Nobel Roth ha dialogato con l'ex sindaco di Roma (e chirurgo) Marino su trapianti e denaro
Here's a pre-festival story:
And here are two article from the Italian Jewish press:
Festival Economia – Pagine Ebraiche
Salute diseguale, in cerca di una cura
Pubblicato in Attualità il 30/05/2017 - 5
Il Nobel Alvin Roth a Pagine Ebraiche
“L’economia può riparare il mondo”
Here's a 1 minute video in English, a sort of trailer for my talk on global kidney exchange:
Here's a link to the full video of my first talk, on global kidney exchange. I spoke in English, but although the link seems to offer it in English, Italian, or German, the only version I've seen so far allows you to hear me speaking Italian, in the voice of the female translator.
Mercato e disuguaglianze nella salute
Here's a video of the panel on my book: Matchmaking. La scienza economica del dare a ciascuno il suo Play Video It begins with a talk about the book, by Professor Dino Gerardi. Afterwards I spoke in reply to questions from the moderator and the audience, and you can hear me in Italian translation.
And here's the panel on markets for organs "exploitation or opportunity?" also in Italian:
Mercati per il corpo umano: sfruttamento o opportunità?
I very much enjoyed meeting Ignazio Marino, the transplant surgeon who was for a time Mayor of Rome.
Below are some news reports on these sessions
Here's a news story right after my talk on global kidney exchange, which was introduced by Tito Boeri:
"Il sistema delle catene" per donare gli organi
Al Teatro Sociale il Nobel Roth descrive il suo progetto per incrociare pazienti e donatori di Paesi ricchi e poveri
G-translate: "The Chain" system for organ donation
Al Teatro Sociale Nobel Roth describes his project to meet patients and donors of rich and poor countries
and here:
Dai modelli matematici si possono salvare molte vite umane. Il Premio Nobel Alvin Roth a Trento
"From the mathematical models you can save lives. The Nobel Prize Alvin Roth in Trento
We die because we can not afford a transplant. Roth: "Our program intends to solve the problem by crossing supply and demand"
and here:
Reni, l’algoritmo che ridà speranza Il Nobel Roth: sgretolare le iniquità
Il Nobel Roth: il sistema si autofinanzia. Allo studio anche un’assicurazione
Here's a story covering my "book talk," in which Prof Dino Gerardi talked about the Italian translation of Who Gets What and Why, and I answered questions:
Matchmaking. La scienza economica del dare a ciascuno il suo
Here's a story about the panel discussion on markets for body parts, moderated by Mario Macis, with Nico Lacetera, me, and Ignazio Marino, the transplant surgeon who was mayor of Rome:
Mercati per il corpo umano: sfruttamenti o opportunità
Il premio Nobel Roth ha dialogato con l'ex sindaco di Roma (e chirurgo) Marino su trapianti e denaro
Here's a pre-festival story:
Oggi alle 16 l'inaugurazione al Palazzo della Provincia. Alle 18 al teatro Sociale l'apertura è affidata al Nobel Alvin Roth. Da domani anche la nostra emittente sarà in piazza S.Maria Maggiore
And here are two article from the Italian Jewish press:
Festival Economia – Pagine Ebraiche
Salute diseguale, in cerca di una cura
Pubblicato in Attualità il 30/05/2017 - 5
Il Nobel Alvin Roth a Pagine Ebraiche
“L’economia può riparare il mondo”
وهكذا المادة More from the Festival of Economics Trento
هذا هو كل المقالات More from the Festival of Economics Trento هذه المرة، ونأمل أن توفر فوائد لكم جميعا. حسنا، أراك في وظيفة أخرى المقال.
كنت تقرأ الآن المقال More from the Festival of Economics Trento عنوان الرابط https://notscrets.blogspot.com/2017/06/more-from-festival-of-economics-trento.html
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